HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DARLING ! hoho turn 20 years old le! but doesnt mean older can do anything to me hor! ;x HAPPY 21ST MONIVERSARY TOO when you message me you said 19th month ! you count wrong !! okay la look forward to your birthday gift cannot buy from outside one okay! specially and dedicated to you one hope you like it x33
the making present is going well (i think) ;D
only my brain is not working that well for it ;x
faster work ah!
later baby not happy !
and cannot laugh at what i do ;x
later i sure paiseh one ><
baby tell me what you want to get! ;x
suddenly had the urge to blog and since i got nothing to do anyway ;x recently didn't do anything much find baby, stay at home play comp especially dota ;x kind of getting more of it >< and watching the batsu series on youtube trying to NOT laugh but always just burst out like mad woman and found out this taiwan susan boyle video the voice is dam nice sio i try hit my voice went ~~~~ ;x